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Important Update - June 24, 2020
Here are two important events to note:
When: this Sunday, June 28th
Time: 11:00 am
What: Members are encouraged to come and park in the church parking lot (West side) or drive through and say “Hello” to fellow members.
• PLEASE REMAIN WITH YOUR VEHICLE. You may park and sit in your vehicle OR you may park and stand beside your vehicle.
• This will be a time to see each other’s faces and/or roll down your window and say, God bless you!
• Pictures will be taken, and a video made of the occasion
• Printed information will be distributed about our upcoming day of collective worship
• PLEASE ENTER THE EAST (one lane) DRIVEWAY and then drive all the way around the back of the Multi-purpose building to the West side parking area
• Contact Joe Reeves or Sam Jones for further information
• After consulting with medical advisors, observing the current conditions, and consulting with other congregations who have resumed collective assemblies, the leadership has targeted a date for collective reassembly
When: Sunday, July 5th, 9:00 am is our tentative date. (Please note that this is subject to change as we continually evaluation the situation).
• We will have some strict guidelines to follow for our safety which will be distributed at the parking lot fellowship and emailed to you on this coming Saturday and placed on our website. Please stay tuned for that information. We look forward to being together in our worship to God on the first Sunday in July.
Be safe, be wise, Be Prayerful, Be Faithful!
On behalf of the leadership,
L. C. Hayes
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"...the churches of Christ salute you!" - Romans 16:16